The short story I'm currently working on, tentatively titled "The Rules of the Game," is a bit of an oddity from my usual process. In this case, the story idea came to me first, then I had to figure out the characters.
Read MoreI realized it seems kinda silly that so many only see so little of all the projects, thoughts and ideas going on inside my mind. How is anyone supposed to get excited about what I'm working on when I'm simply waiting to share all my ideas in finished form? Here's a good example; I've been telling a bunch of friends about a few short stories I'm working on, and the majority of their responses have been something along the lines of curious interest. But when they inevitably ask "when can I read some of these stories?" all I've been able to respond with is, "Well, I'm workin' on it."
I hope to change this. I need to change this.
Read MoreWhen it comes to writing poetry, the very idea often turns people off. In my experience, many people feel they are not creatively inclined to write poetry or because the thought of writing a poem is intimidating (or lame). I can understand and empathize.
Poetry itself is a nebulous and expansive term. Sure, one of Merriam Webster’s definitions of poetry is “writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm.” But, that definition doesn’t entirely take into account the various forms poetry can take, like haikus, sonnets, triolets, kyrielles, free verse, prose, etc. Where to even begin??
Anyone following me on IG (@thebrycical) knows that I’ve explored various methods and styles of writing poetry over the years. And, because April is National Poetry Writing Month (#napowrimo), the time seems write(!) to share some of my favorite alternative methods to crafting a poem.
To learn of these fun five alternative poetry writing techniques , you’ll either have to click on the title, the image or here to read the rest of the article on Medium.
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