Come, Let Us Journey...

Discover more about Brycical's first poetry book.

Poetry from Me
to You

Feel free to check out these poetry books in the bookstore or click on one to learn a little bit more about each book.

Poetry on Drugs.jpg

The Title Says Everything…

Read Brycical's third book of poetry written while high on a variety of substances.

Read the web comic that examines a world with unfiltered honesty, instead of all the mental gymnastics,
hidden meanings and disingenuous mollifying. You know, like the title suggests.

I'm trying to get better about sharing personal stories on my blog and not just well researched opinion pieces.

There's More to Me
Than Poetry

I'm almost always writing for or about something. It's what I do. I've tried to curb it several times to no avail. I write. So, when not working on poetry books, I'm probably writing something on my blog or some short stories on Wattpad.