This collection of poetry serves a higher purpose
than simply documenting the poet Brycical's
experiences on various visionary substances like
LSD, ecstasy, mushrooms, marijuana, salvia and also
alcohol. These poems are meant to compare and
illustrate how these substances can, when with the
right settings and right people, serve as a conduit for
creative expression. For Brycical, these poems also
represent major life-lessons distilled into words that
came through him as he traversed inward to understand
himself, and occasionally those around him.
Under absolutely no circumstance is this book, or the
poems within, meant to promote/glorify drug use &/or
substance abuse. Instead, this book intends to serve two
purposes. First, stop the demonization of those who have
or continue to ingest these substances. Second, this book
also seeks to silence the stigma surrounding these
substances categorized as just "drugs" with no medicinal value.