Poetry happens when I organize my thoughts. 


Poetry I Wrote on Drugs is my third self-published book of poetry, available on Amazon and Kindle. This collection of poetry serves a higher purpose than simply documenting the my experiences on various visionary substances like LSD, ecstasy, mushrooms, marijuana, salvia and also alcohol. These poems are meant to compare and illustrate how these substances can, when with the right settings and right people, serve as a conduit for creative expression. Under absolutely no circumstance is this book, meant to promote/glorify drug use &/or substance abuse. Instead, this book intends stop the demonization of those who have or continue to ingest these substances, and also seeks to silence the stigma surrounding these  substances categorized as just "drugs" with no medicinal value.


Moments of Truth is my second self-published book of poetry, available on Amazon. This poetry represents years of whispered frustrations and pent up contemplations distilled into raw, honest moments that I haven't dared share with the world, until now. This book of poetry offers a stark contrast from my first book in that much of the flowery words and rhythmic style employed have been stripped away, leaving mostly prose that examine bluntly examine my thoughts on myself,  my family, today's polarized political climate and much more. Hopefully, these vulnerable moments inspire others to reflect and evaluate their lives with the same amount of brutal honesty.


Psychedelic Landscapes is my first book of self-published poetry. It was conceived during a difficult transition period in my life, though it would be hard to tell based on the poetry enclosed. This collection of poetry represent the bright moments in those dark periods, amplifying all the brief moments of joy and elation into healing words and rhythmic playtime into something that is (hopefully) inspiring to others during dark periods, or just by making someone's good day a little brighter. 

Also, please check out the website of Erika, the designer and illustrator of the book cover and interior sectionals. Without her, this book would not have come together.