Posts in Working on It
An Open Letter to the "Yeah, But..." Culture

I’m sorry you are scared. Truly, I do hear your anxious sighs and nostalgic laments. I can imagine how at this point in time the world you know feels as if it’s coming undone. Quite frankly, it is. I’m not going to sugar coat it, or try to frame this in a way that makes it sound as though this moment in time is just a speed-bump. It’s not. Instead, this point in history is long overdue road work with a sour smell. The smell, by the way comes from the many bodies you’ve tried to bury and bullshit you attempted to cover them with. I don’t type those previous words with malice or contempt, I’m just being honest.

Read why your time is nigh when you click the picture, the title or right here.

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Brycical's Big Announcement

I realized it seems kinda silly that so many only see so little of all the projects, thoughts and ideas going on inside my mind. How is anyone supposed to get excited about what I'm working on when I'm simply waiting to share all my ideas in finished form? Here's a good example; I've been telling a bunch of friends about a few short stories I'm working on, and the majority of their responses have been something along the lines of curious interest. But when they inevitably ask "when can I read some of these stories?" all I've been able to respond with is, "Well, I'm workin' on it."

I hope to change this. I need to change this.

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