20 Gratitudes with Attitude in 2020


I don't need to tell you about this year. Unless you live in Antarctica, literally everywhere else has been shared the experience of dealing with this global pandemic. To say it's been and will continue to be a trying time is a understatement. And I wish I could sit in my home with a smile full of dawn light sunshine and reminisce about how people everywhere came together to combat this global health crisis with dignity and empathy. Regardless, it doesn't mean the year 2020 was completely terrible. Some good things happened. So, for the last 20 days in 2020, I’m sharing 20 things gratitude with attitude about some things I’ve learned either about myself, people or life in general. For good measure, I’ll say the number 20 one more time just in case you forgot what I’m talking about.

Please note, this list is in no particular order. I’m just numbering things for organization.