Dear Parents and Elders

There are two phrases I know I don't say to you enough. One of said phrases is easier to speak, yet regrettably and neglectfully underused in my conversations with you. The other phrase is, well it's complicated for me to utter, so I ask for your forgiveness if I occasionally stutter through.

So… might as well say the complicated first. I’ve wracked and rewritten this little bit in my brain numerous times because I continue to find these words, not necessarily bitter to swallow. Just... although there is acknowledgement in certain shortcomings of my own devices, I don’t want it misconstrued that I am ashamed of the way my life is being written.

However, in order to know what those two phrases might be, you’ll need to do one of the following: head over on to Medium to check out the rest of the story through this link or click the image or title.