The Brycical

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Gratitudes with Attitude in 2020: #15 of 20

6 Days Left in 2020

I am doing my best to balance between living a life of giving when I can and saving some flow so that I may flow later. I’m grateful to have my uncle’s giving spirit but acknowledge I don’t always put my money where my mouth is, in terms of supporting local businesses, or even giving as much as I could in tips or to charities. When I have to use big brand places, I still try to use ones that partner with charities (example - AmazonSmile or Domino’s working w/ St. Jude’s). I recognize those big chains don’t need the money, but I am grateful those partnerships do exist, and I am doing what I can to support local businesses and charities when I can. But, I have learned in the last few years to not be so giving as to empty my wallet for everyone and everything because then not only would I not be able to sustain myself but also I wouldn’t be able to give to other places in the long run! We can’t all be Doug Forcett from The Good Place.

For more information on some charities you can support or participate in, feel free to read an article I wrote almost four years ago about a few ways you can put forth the least amount of effort and still participate in charities.