Erika Paradise and I decide to go grocery shopping at HEB (which continues to be more prepared for the global pandemic than the United States) only to later read about someone from the CDC recommending nobody go to the grocery store. Fuck...
Thankfully, we find everything we needed this time, even hash browns!
City officials of San Antonio now recommend people wear facemasks. Fun times.
Turns out, San Antonians know what to do when there's an egg shortage; hoard chickens!
04/07/2020 - 04/11/2020
A Texas woman who claimed Coronavirus was a hoax died of Coronavirus. On the bright side, at least she got her wish being closer to God? Maybe she will meet a certain pastor in heaven.
San Antonio makes national headlines for long lines at food banks and reasons mentioned in a previous blog post about food stamps and food banks.
Work was less eventful this week than anticipated, though still slightly confusing as a new training schedule was yet to be distributed.
Work is becoming for of an introvert's dream by incorporating more social distancing by having CA's only use odd # stations even though our work stations (aka cubicles) already adhere to 6 ft rule.
Calls include:
interesting times
God's punishing us/trying to tell us something.
No robocalls.
Family members making masks for everyone
It's going to get worse before it gets better.
Grocery shopping and family doing grocery shopping
Leaving groceries out for a few days so not contaminated with virus even though the science I learned last week says you don't need to do that.
Good time to be a germaphobe.
Artichokes are expensive now.
Feeling sorry high school seniors not graduating or going to prom.
The warm weather will make CVOID-19 go away. It will be miraculous. (SPOILER ALERT: NOPE!
If only we saw this coming. (SPOILER ALERT: Maybe we did?) Can't blame the 45th President for this, how could he know this would happen? (SPOILER ALERT: People did warn the President about Coronavirus.)
Those "stimulus checks" will help all americans. (maybe not as much as thought)
Erika Paradise shared some of la famosa pozole de su abuela with me.
The virus has now made sure some mellow's are most definitely being harshed as Burning Man is the latest major event to be cancelled.
San Antonio, school officials (like many others around the country) recognizing the frustrating details of trying to pay people still working in schools vs transitioning to remote learning vs budgeting for next year.
5 Good Things Happening During Coronavirus:
I've been saying for years that part of the reason pandas aren't repopulating because they're shy. Turns out, maybe not that far off...
Air pollution go bye-bye.
San Antonio officials seeks to help and protect the homeless community.
A bar owner finds a cool way to pay unemployed staff.
New Zealand is crushing the Coronavirus lockdown thing.
Like most people, Erika Paradise and I have more time to binge-watch movies and shows since stay at home lockdowns (to which I'm exempt for several reasons) have gone into affect. These are some of the movies and shows we've been enjoying in the last few weeks.